Keeping at it

Good upper body workout tonight.

10x135 warm up
4x295 - needed help on #4
2x315 - needed help on #2.  Barely got #1 up.  I did these last two reps with a very short  turn around from the 295lb ones so another guy could get on the bench.

And while I haven't tried maxing out (and won't for a while now) by using a bench press calculator I should now be able to bench more than my body weight. I guess that also depends on what I weigh the next time I step on the scale.  I don't believe in weighing myself daily.  I'm not going to be a slave to that nonsense.  From time to time, yes, to remain accountable, but not every day.

On my last rep I could definitely feel it in my triceps, so I'm going have to start hitting my tri's more for a while.

Curls, Triceps Extensions, assisted dips with 72lbs of relief, rows, dumbbell arm extensions (shoulders/delts)

Then 30 minutes on the recumbent cycle.

95% over my cold.  Took 2 full weeks.  Palm Sunday my voice barely made it through the end of the worship service.  Easter we were as full as I think I've ever seen our church and my voice was strong. 

Skipped my workout last night to work on taxes.  Sigh.  I hate taxes.  But that meant I had 4 full days since I last benched, and it seemed to help a bit.

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