Sore today

Did my second round of Crossfit workout yesterday and am feeling it today.

I did similar to my 1st workout with push press, hang clean and dead lift.

I did 10/8/6/4/3 reps on the push press with 135# on the bar.
I did 10/8/6/4/3 reps on the hang clean with 135# on the bar.
I did 10/8/6/4/3 reps on the dead lift with 185# on the bar.

I can feel it in my traps of all places. They are tight, but not particularly sore.  My hamstrings are sore however.  Some tightness in the lower back as well.

Realistically the 185# on the DL is still a bit light, but since I haven't regularly dead lifted in about 15 years, I'm not pushing it.  Especially not since my hamstrings are tight and sore from what I've been doing.  Push press and hang clean seem to be just about right at 135#.

Definitely gets the old ticker clicking, especially after the round of 8's.  I dream of someday doing the "Linda" workout aka "3 Bars of Death".  But at this point I have no doubt it would indeed be my death.

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