Tight back, obliques cramping

Legs and lower back day today.  Not sure what it was, but when I stood up earlier tonight to go to the gym I felt a pang of pain in my upper back.  Random, but decided to not kill myself tonight.

Leg Press - 370x8, 460x8, 550x8, 640x8
Deadlift - 225x8, 315x8, 225x8
Abs & back extensions as well.

Then on the drive home my right side obliques decided to rebel and started to cramp.  I drove the last mile to our house in pain trying to find a position where they wouldn't cramp harder.  Took about 5 minutes once I was standing to get them to quit locking up.  Not fun.  I'm not dehydrated, so I'm guessing I pushed a bit too much on my abs.  As long as it doesn't lock up in the middle of my sleep tonight I'll be OK.  A good bit of it is likely from coughing a lot today from a cold I'm battling with.

640lbs. on the Leg Press ready to go!

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