Life distractions

Life has a terrible way of thwarting my lifting plans.  Early Wednesday morning my mother had what was initially believed to be a heart attack.  Thankfully my father was home & they got her to the hospital quickly.  Turns out it was a bigger issue than the Sioux Falls hospital she was at was prepared to handle, so they flew her to St. Mary - Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN.  After 8.5 hours of surgery her ascending aortic artery was replaced.  She has an artificial aortic heart valve already, so it was far more complex (as is the recovery) than it would be for most people.  The aorta had begun to split internally and was bulging causing it to be about 2.5 times the normal size.

That meant late Wednesday night I drove to Rochester to beat a blizzard to keep my dad company who had driven from Sioux Falls to Rochester like a madman to also beat that same blizzard.  We "slept" in the family waiting room Wednesday night and I returned home late Thursday.  We had family stop & visit us Friday night & were there late so I didn't get to the gym then either.  So against my norm, I went into the gym this afternoon.  I'm pretty sure that's the first time I've been in the gym on a Saturday since I started back at this.

Now off to finish up my sermons for the next two days and get some practices in.

It was Pneumonia...

Turns out not only was I sick, I was really sick.  Pneumonia in my right lung.  My lung actually hurt.  Such a strange/stupid feeling.  But thankfully I'm back at it at the gym.  I started going regularly last Monday, though went really easy on Monday and Tuesday as I was still coughing like crazy any time I strained my lungs (like walking up stairs).  This week I started hitting it hard again, and while I only lifted hard 3 times in 17 days, I didn't lose a ton of strength.  I did lose some stamina though, so I'll get to working on that.

Where I've noticed it most is in the deadlift.  I was significantly sore late last week after doing a leg workout, and my pull totals we weak.  I was supposed to have a heavy day yesterday, but my back was feeling a bit off, so I took the night off and feel good today so I'll hit it tonight with legs & lower back work.

On decline bench on Monday I was able to push 315lbs x7 reps for my final set which is very fine at this point if you ask me.  I'll keep at it.  Time to get strong & lose flab.