It was Pneumonia...

Turns out not only was I sick, I was really sick.  Pneumonia in my right lung.  My lung actually hurt.  Such a strange/stupid feeling.  But thankfully I'm back at it at the gym.  I started going regularly last Monday, though went really easy on Monday and Tuesday as I was still coughing like crazy any time I strained my lungs (like walking up stairs).  This week I started hitting it hard again, and while I only lifted hard 3 times in 17 days, I didn't lose a ton of strength.  I did lose some stamina though, so I'll get to working on that.

Where I've noticed it most is in the deadlift.  I was significantly sore late last week after doing a leg workout, and my pull totals we weak.  I was supposed to have a heavy day yesterday, but my back was feeling a bit off, so I took the night off and feel good today so I'll hit it tonight with legs & lower back work.

On decline bench on Monday I was able to push 315lbs x7 reps for my final set which is very fine at this point if you ask me.  I'll keep at it.  Time to get strong & lose flab.

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