Background - why lose weight now?

September 17th, 2011 I joined Snap Fitness.  I'm pretty sure I weighed as much as I ever have.  I hadn't worked out in any regular fashion for about 2 years.  Before moving to our small town we were part of Lifetime Fitness where I loved to go and I was going regularly.  I was losing weight and getting pretty strong and felt really good about my progress.

When we moved, we initially joined Snap, and for a while continued going with some regularity.  But with the on-goings of a new ministry those times became fewer and fewer.  Add to that lots of meetings that involve food and a much less active work environment and it spelled disaster for my waistline.  Added on top of that was a new child, and while it does take a lot of energy to keep up with him, it made it that much harder to regularly work out at a gym.

So we bought a Nintendo Wii with the intention of using that with the Wii Fit and Wii Active programs.  The total cost was a few month's gym membership, and we could workout at home.  Epic fail.

So I (eventually) bought a workout DVD - Beachbody Power 90.  I know a handful of people who've had success with the P90X workout, but I figured I needed something more entry level than that.  Did the DVD a handful of times, but I don't like working out in my living room.  Yeah, lame excuse, but I'm sticking to it.

Knowing that I have a young son I want to spend lots of years being active with, a wife I want to love well, and a church I want to lead with integrity, I knew I had to make changes.  But change is hard, so is exercise, and so is losing weight.  And I like food.  A lot.

But to be a good steward of my life, changes have to be made nonetheless, so that is the adventure I am on (finally).

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