Bench Press Goal fo 275lbs completed

Had a rough evening last night with my very strong willed and defiant 2 year old, so I was really needing to get away to the gym.  Thankfully things wen really well there!

My strength is continuing to improve.  I was able to bench 275lbs last night, which was big for me mentally.  Two plates plus a 25 on each side.  Nice.  And even better, it went easy.  Real easy.  As in I wish I had put 300lbs on the bar because I think I had it easy.  So what I'm doing seems to be working.  I did arms and shoulders as well last night, and I am sore this morning.  A good sore, but sore.  Added in 20ish minutes on the treadmill to round out my night.

On Sunday I did 60 minutes of cardio.  I got into a TV show so I first bumped it from 30 to 40 minutes thinking that would get me to the end of the show.  Apparently it was a 2 hour long show because I added 10 extra minutes two additional times!  And along with that I moved up the resistance on the recumbent bike for most of that period as well.  When I got off I could really feel it in my legs, but again it was that good feeling of being very spent as opposed to a painful overuse burn.

Now I just need to start dropping some more weight to go along with these successes at the gym.

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