When it rains it pours

Tuesday night I must've sprained something in my right foot (yes, seems to not be structural in nature so no bone).  Woke up yesterday with quite a lot of pain.  Woke up today in only slightly better condition.  Not fun.

Then last night we had a carbon-monoxide scare in our house.  Very elevated levels.  Boiler wasn't working right and was leaking into the house.  Thankfully everyone is fine and we (my wife) caught it before going to bed or anything like that.  Made for a long night though.  Got it fixed this morning so the heat is running as it should be.

That means I didn't go to the gym Wednesday, which was originally my play anyhow to give my body a break.  Plus my foot hurts.  On Tuesday I benched heavy again with my final set being 285lbs 2 times and I did it with no assist.  Considering I wasn't sure just a week prior I could even lift that much, I consider that a win.

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