Legs got smoked tonight

Added in a new element to my routine tonight.  Leg presses & calves.  Not ready to start squatting quite yet - knee issue - but need to get moving that direction.

I started off in the Leg Press machine (we used to call it a hip sled) with 463lbs x10 then did 3x8 of 513lbs.  The odd number is due to the weight of the Leg Press machine being weird.  I try to make sure each one is "deep" with my heels nearly touching my butt - mimicking a good deep squatting range of motion.

I then did alternating sets of leg extensions (machine) and calf raises.  3x10 on both exercises.  I finished with machine back extensions alternating with machine abs.

I'll definitely feel it in my abs tomorrow.  Probably in my thighs as well.  Should be fun.

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