Buffal Wild Wings & CrossFit don't mix

There needs to be a bouncer stationed outside of our local Buffalo Wild Wings on nights I'm planning on doing CrossFit.  That bouncer should be instructed that under no circumstances am I to enter the premise on those night.

That's either the 2nd or 3rd time I've made this mistake.  Didn't quite feel like puking it all up tonight, but still unpleasant.

3 Bars of Death (Linda) modified again tonight.  Push press + Hang clean + Dead lift.

PP & HC 155lbs. on the bar for 1st set of 8 - but only did 6 each.  Not fun.  Too big of a jump up in weight.  Moved back down to 135lbs. and did 6/5/4/6 to finish out the workout

DL with 225lbs. and did 8/6/5/6/6.  I thought about adding some weight tonight, but was really feeling worn our before lifting.  I do feel better after lifting, so that's a bonus.

Last night I went at it hard on chest/arms/back/shoulders.  Added in some single arm barbel triceps extensions that definitely added some soreness in my arms today that I haven't felt in quite some time.  A good soreness, but they are definitely letting me now I lifted hard yesterday.

The other part of the reason I was tired tonight was that I helped out with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) camp at our local high school all afternoon.  News article here - with the picture of the girls kicking the large red football being at my station.  Lots of running after the ball, cheering on students, and standing in the surprisingly hot sun.  Got a bit of sunburn on my left side of my face and a bit on my chest below my neck.  Nothing major, but it all sapped me of energy for my CrossFit workout.  But I'm glad I pushed on and finished it out.

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