Seeing steady improvement in decline bench

Sticking with the decline bench in spite of my one flat bench session last week.  While I don't have pain in my shoulder from that session of benching, there was a bit of lingering soreness that let me know I still need to hold off for a while longer to be fully healed.

With that said, I pushed it heavier on my decline bench last night.  Started out with 8x135 as a warmup.  Then jumped to 8x225, 8x245, and 8x255.  To finish my chest segment I did some standing cable push downs (imagine decline bench while standing.  Cables starting at shoulder level pressing to waist level at a 45 degree angle).  I moved up 20ish lbs on these cable presses as well.  I could go heavier, but getting the cables away from the machine to start the movement is nearly impossible at my finishing weight, so I don't have an easy solution at this point.

Finished the workout with machine bicep & triceps work.  Had planned on doing shoulders as well, but got distracted with a very impressive thunderstorm out the gym windows.  I cooled down while watching it, so decided to call it a night.  I did fit 20 minutes of recumbent bike in after the arms segment.

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