Back to being sore again

Upper body workout last night, and some soreness today from it.  Not severe soreness, but enough to know that I am sore for sure.  Tired too.

Bench was really tough and discouraging for me.  3 weeks ago I was at 340lbs bench.  Now I'm about 80lbs below that I think.  Frustrating.

10x135 warm up
5x225 - and I barely got the last ones up on the 6 and 5 sets.

Incline bench machine - 180lbs 3x8

Arms (biceps & triceps) and shoulders in machines 3x10 each.  Shrugs with 90lb dumbbells 3x12.

15 minutes on the treadmill gradually increasing speed to 3.5 made me sweat hard.  Kept my heart rate above 145 throughout.

After the workout I did take my first dose of creatine.  I used to use this before seminary with some really good results.  I will load this week slowly and see how it goes.  In the past it has definitely helped in gaining strength and having quicker recover times.  I don't eat much red meat (almost never!) so I think it will help me once again.

I'm going to have to purchase some lifting gloves fairly soon.  Mine are starting to come apart in a couple of places.  I like the ones with integrated wrist wraps like the Valeo Ocelot with wristwraps.

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