Keeps on coming back

Upper body again tonight.  Making more progress in recovering my bench strength, which is always encouraging.

135x8 warmup
275x5 - surprised how well these went up.
295x2 - needed help on the second one.

On Monday when I last benched I did 275x2 and didn't have a third one in me.  So the progress is keeping up at a pretty good clip.

Also did curls, triceps dips, shoulder extensions, & lat pull downs.  Some time on the recumbent bike as well.

I did upper body on Monday of this week, my CrossFit workout on Tuesday.  Was able to move up to 225lbs on my deadlifts during CrossFit, and added a couple of reps to all three movements, all the while keeping the same time as my previous workout.  Finished after CrossFit with some recumbent cycle.  Thursday was a mix of treadmill and recumbent.

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