Improving on my CrossFit

Making progress, but it is still trying to kill me.  Did my variation on the 3 bars of death tonight again.  27 minutes total, with about a 3 minute break to talk to another guy in the gym in the middle.

I did the 8, 6, 4, 2 tonight.
Pushpress - 135lbs
Hang Clean - 135lbs
Dead Lift - 205lbs

I raised my dead lift amount.  In a week or so I'll put that at the full two plates weight of 225lbs.

The early Pushpress were really hard.  And each round of Dead Lift tries to make me pass out.  Hang Clean just makes me want to puke, so all in all a very enjoyable workout.  :-)

I ended the night with 15 minutes on the treadmill keeping my heart rate above 150bpm throughout.  Definitely will sleep well tonight.  Thinking my hamstrings will be sore again tomorrow.

And I've been losing weight this week!  I'm lighter than I have been since starting the journey (barely) so that is at least encouraging.  By the gym scale I'm down 20lbs as of today!!

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