Sore today - but deadlift is improving!

CrossFit again last night.  3 Bars modified once again.  I did it a bit differently by going 8-6-6 rather than my 8-6-4-2 on Push Press & Hang Cleans.  I was able to do this because I am improving.  Previously I wouldn't have been able to do a second 6 without a lengthy rest period.  I cut 2 minutes off of my total workout time, while simultaneously adding a fair amount to my dead lifts.

Push Press - 135lbs
Hang Clean - 135lbs
Dead Lift - 185lbs/205lbs/215lbs + 2-20lb chains (so top of lift was 255lbs!)/185 (8-6-6-6)

I am definitely feeling the added weight of the dead lifts today in my back.  Quite tight, a bit stiff, but no pain thankfully.

Monday night I did chest & arms & recumbent bike.  My bench is starting to come back a bit thankfully.

135x10 warm up
275x2 - got both up, but didn't have a third in me
225x5 wide grip
225x4 narrow grip

The other thing I'm noticing is that my pants are getting quite loose and I've had to go down a belt notch to keep them on.  I'm not fully a notch smaller yet, but if I don't go to that one I'll be mooning the world walking around.  Another couple of pounds lighter and that notch will become perfect.  Long term I'd really like to get my waist down to 42 inches.  I think it is unrealistic to expect to get smaller than that given my frame size.  When I graduated from High School at 215lbs I was a size 38, so 42 really seems like it'll be my bottom end as an adult.

Making progress is definitely encouraging.  Though I do wish it happened faster.

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