Weekends are killing me

Or at least my diet. I'd probably be 5lbs lighter if weekends didn't exist. But the calories were sooo worth it. I ordered a Red's Savoy Pizza Saturday night with sausage (hand made) and pepperoni. The cheese was deep and the flavor delightful. I ate leftovers for lunch Sunday after church while watching football - AKA recovery. :-) Savoy Pizza is the best in the Twin Cities in my opinion. Since we no longer live there, it really was a treat to get one to go on my way out of town heading back home. I did make it to the gym Sunday night and did some cardio for 30 minutes. I probably should've done some lifting but it was getting late and my motivation was waning. So tonight I'll hit it hard. I'm watching the Vikings vs. Packers game, and will likely finish watching it at the gym so I can get my workout in. I'll hit the gym again tomorrow and then the rest of the week will be more challenging, but more on that later.

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