Irregular schedule

8 days ago my wife had a significant surgery on her throat.  What was to be a same day surgery resulted in us leaving about 30 hours after the surgery.  She's been recovering slowly at home, but it has meant my not going to the gym to make sure she is well taken care of.  It even meant shipping our 2 year old son off to his grandparents for a few days this week just so my wife could rest and heal.  Thankfully she's been slowly improving, and I was able to make it to the gym Monday night and then again last night.  It had been a full week since I last went, and I could definitely feel I needed it.  My bench press workout was tough and I wasn't as strong.  My legs were tired the next day following cardio.  But I'll get back into a more patterned workout schedule again soon with her continued improvement.  Excited for both of those things to happen.

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