Bench press increasing!

I haven't been lifting much, and when I have been lifting it was 3x10's @ 150ish lbs.  Last night I decided to add some weight just to see where I was at and was able to do 210lbs 3 times with no problem.  It being 12:30AM I didn't want to go beyond that because nobody else was at the gym.  So that (to me at least) is quite exciting.  I didn't expect I'd be this strong and that it would take a few more weeks to crack 200lbs.  I might have to start going to the gym earlier though if I'm going to be putting up heavier iron.  Gotta have a spotter if you are going to go big!  Really looking forward to putting 2 plates on each side again - 225lbs.  That's a great mental place because it seems like so much more when you can put that on.  Sad to think that used to be what i warmed up with.

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