Broken blood vessle in my hand?

Made it to the gym tonight, even though I honestly didn't feel like going.  Started with 20 minutes on the treadmill and then did 20 minutes on the recumbent bike.  My cardio keeps getting better, which for a fat man like me simply means that it hurts less each time.

I moved from that into lifting - arms and chest.  While doing some closed grip bench press I felt what I suspect was a blood vessel break in my left hand.  We'll see in the morning I guess, but it's a bit tender at the moment.  I didn't let that stop me & finished my workout.  I'm 99% sure I'm going to be sore tomorrow. 

An interesting thing about my body is that I've always been sorest 48 hours after lifting hard, even when I was playing college football and moving impressive amounts of iron.

I used to lift a lot.  My best bench press was in 2002 when I got 395lbs up.  I never did hit my goal of 400lbs due to a strain in my left pectoral muscle.  I strained it, had to take it easy for a while, and then moved nearly six hours away & enrolled full time in Seminary where I never managed to get back into regular lifting while living on campus.  In college I squatted 720lbs which was a school record at the time for a running back (I was a fullback).  I never was all that good at dead lift - the third of the "classic" competition lifts.  My all time best was 425lbs, and I'm not sure I locked it out long enough to count it.

I'm hoping to lift more as I progress in this thing called "working out".  I used to be called "Big Chris" because I was strong as an ox, not like now where it's because I'm overweight.  While I might not return to those aforementioned glory days, I'd love to be strong once again.

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